1. egymask-kn951

  2. Bag Mask Monitor1

    Bag Mask Monitor
  3. AV 400 Vein Viewing System1

    AV 400 Vein Viewing System
  4. egymask-fplus1

  5. face shield1

    face shield

Quality Policy

Our company gives professional technical services, and we have been holder of the TSE Service Qualification Certificate.

We offer technical services, mainly in the Aegean and Mediterranean Regions for the medical devices that we are representing on a dealer basis, mainly Petas Patient Monitoring Systems and TEPA Stress Test ECG Systems. However, we provide technical service for all brands that we distribute across the country.

Our company has also ISO 9001:2008 certificate recognized by international standards in accordance with management system.

Our company has adopted customer oriented approach, and we take upon ourselves to provide health professionals unique, featured, new products by following innovations in the health sector.